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YU GI OH! 游戏王 VRAINS V1-120END (10DVD)
Type : DVD
Language : Bilingual

EAN No : 9555329258089
RM 99.90 nett (WM)
RM 99.90 nett (EM)
In a place known as Den City, thousands of duelists take part in a virtual reality space known as LINK VRAINS, created by SOL Technologies, where users can create unique avatars and participate in games of Duel Monsters with each other. As a mysterious hacker organization known as the Knights of Hanoi threatens this world, a high-school student and hacking genius named Yusaku Fujiki battles against them under the guise of Playmaker. Both the Knights and SOL Technologies are also after a peculiar self-aware artificial intelligence program, who holds the key to a secret area inside the network named the Cyberse World, which the Knights of Hanoi seek to destroy. As the series begins, Yusaku sees the chance to capture this AI, which he names Ai, who sets off a digital maelstrom in LINK VRAINS known as the Data Storm. As the appearance of this storm gives birth to Speed Duels, in which duelists surf the wind as they duel, Yusaku battles against Hanoi in order to uncover the truth concerning an incident that happened to him many years ago. 网络系统发达都市Den City,那里由大企业SOL技术公司(SOLテクノロジー社)创造的高度网络技术构筑出被称为Link vrains(连接境智网(虚拟实境人工智能网络系统)的VR空间,人们为那VR空间中全新的决斗体验而狂热。 Link vrains出现了通过决斗发起网络入侵的神秘黑客集团汉诺骑士(ハノイの骑士)。他们的目标就是使据说存在于网络某处的属于AI们的世界 = 电子界(サイバース)走向灭亡。 可是跟那场Link vrains面临的威胁进行对抗的还有1名决斗者。他的名字是“Playmaker”。以压倒性的决斗击倒汉诺骑士并一句话也不说就离去后,他的名字就此在网络世界一举成名。 那位“Playmaker”的真正身份高中生藤木游作为了调查过去发生的事件真相,追踪着在Link vrains出没的汉诺骑士。就在日日夜夜跟汉诺骑士展开的激斗之中,游作成功地捕获了SOL技术公司和汉诺骑士都在追寻的神秘AI程序。同时以此事为契机,命运的齿轮开始了大幅度转动…… 神秘AI的真面目。盯上电子界的汉诺骑士的真意。以及游作的过去所隐藏的真相——全部的答案,就在Link vrains之中。 Di Bandar Den, beribu-ribu orang pejuang Duel Monsters menyertai pertarungan dalam ruangan realiti maya, Link Vrains, yang dicipta oleh SOL Teknologi. Bila sebuah organisasi penggodam, Knights of Hanoi mengancam dunia ini, Yusaka Fujiki bertarung dengan mereka di bawah nama samaran Playmaker. Tujuan Knights of Hanoi adalah menghapuskan sebuah program kecergasan buatan yang pegang kunci ke area sulit dalam rangkaian, Dunia Cyberse. Yusaku bertarung dengan Knights of Hanoi untuk mendedah kebenaran berkenaan sebuah kejadian yang berlaku pada dia banyak tahun yang lalu.