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EAN No : 9555499411635
RM 129.90 NETT (WM)
RM 129.90 NETT (EM)
唐武德九年,内廷生变,原太子之女李长歌(迪丽热巴饰)侥幸逃出,赴幽州求援。途中,长歌偶遇化名为秦准的草原部落特勤阿诗勒隼(吴磊饰),两人不打不相识,渐生英雄相惜之感。长歌在幽州粉碎一场阴谋,与此同时身份败露,前往朔州避祸。她藏于朔州太守公孙恒身边,助其共抗草原势力侵袭,却未想到敌方将领隼竟是旧识秦准。长歌震惊痛心,力抗隼。然而朔州孤城难支终究陷落,长歌为大局甘愿沦为战俘被押往草原,却意外得知大可汗另有野心。长歌决定暂放私仇,以身涉险拼死破局,不料身陷死局,隼为救长歌不惜与大可汗为敌,两人却阴差阳错天各一方。长歌辗转流亡,亲历乱世的她逐渐领会仁者无敌的道理,最终彻底放下个人恩怨。在发现前隋势力才是挑动事端的幕后黑手后,长歌与隼联手守护大唐与草原的和平,两人也终于认清了对彼此的情感,携手共赴危局。 The year is 626 C.E, and the realm and its political center Chang’an, are shaken to its core by the Xuanwu Gate Incident, a successful palace coup to take charge of the Tang Dynasty. A scheming prince leads the bloody coup and kills the family of Li Chang Ge during the raid, although she manages to escape. Now the prince has placed himself on the Imperial throne, and rules as Emperor Tai Zong. Li Chang Ge has her mind firmly set on revenge – and musters a powerful army intent on overthrowing the new Emperor. But her plans are thrown into disarray when she suffers an unexpected defeat against the armies of the Eastern Turkic Khaganate. The victorious General, Ashi Na Sun, decides to keep her in his service, making her his military strategist as he looks to pursue his own military goals. The duo forms a formidable military partnership. And over time, she finds herself falling for her captor – as he also starts developing feelings for her.