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EAN No : 9555329265193
RM 25.90 NETT (WM)
RM 25.90 NETT (EM)
Ryman's Club 白领羽球部 JAP/ENG (E / C) The world of corporate badminton is not as easy as it seems. Although considered a former child prodigy, Mikoto Shiratori has not been living up to his potential as a badminton player for Mitsuhoshi Bank. Due to a past incident, Mikoto tries to transition from playing doubles to singles; nevertheless, he fails to produce positive results, much to his employer's dismay. After being fired from the bank, Mikoto is recruited by the Sunlight Beverage corporate badminton team. Surprisingly, not only do practices start in the evening, but he also has to work in the sales department of the company by day. While this is not a novel arrangement, Mikoto had thought he was invited solely to play sports. To make matters worse, he is forced to compete in doubles despite his reluctance. Struggling to adjust to his new professional life, Mikoto begins to doubt his decision to join the company. However, as he learns more about his latest teammates, he might just find the strength necessary to advance his badminton career. 故事中的主角白鸟尊是过去曾被称为神童的天才选手,由于过去比赛中经历而造成的阴影,而无法在比赛中有理想表现,甚至在与强队对抗的比赛中惨败。这样的他进入了 Sunlight 饮料公司任职后,也成为了公司的羽球队队员,然而他公司的羽球队也是没什么实际成绩的弱小队伍。这样的他,与同公司的前辈宫澄建组成了搭档……