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Type : DVD
Language : Bilingual [Eng/Mandarin]

EAN No : 9555329260778
RM 19.90 NETT (WM)
RM 19.90 NETT (EM)

The Hiden Zero-One Driver can only be used by the company's president. Whose will was the one that led to the creation of this device and it falling in the hands of Aruto Hiden? Zero-One's birth story will be revealed! Kamen Rider Zi-O, who fought as the greatest Demon King of Heisei Kamen Riders chose to reset the world and live a new life. Why does Sougo Tokiwa transform into a Kamen Rider again and meet Zero-One? Kamen Rider Zi-O's true ending chosen by Sougo will be revealed! The world of Zero-One and the world of Zi-O. The two heroes live in different worlds, but what is waiting for them after crossing time and space into a single world? Union or conflict? This winter marks a new legend in the history of Kamen Rider.

Another Rider dari dunia Zi-O tiba-tiba muncul di hadapan Aruto Hiden/Kamen Rider Zero-One! Pada saat Another Rider lahir, keberadaannya menulis semula sejarah Rider pada zaman itu, menyebabkan mereka kehilangan kekuatan. Apa tujuan musuh baru ini? Dan mengapa Another Rider muncul di dunia Zero-One?! . Setelah kehilangan kemampuan untuk berubah menjadi Zero-One kerana kehadiran Another Zero-One, Hiden Aruto berubah menjadi Kamen Rider 001 dengan menggunakan Metsuboujinrai ForceRiser untuk berhadapan dengannya! Mengapa Aruto menggunakan Metsuboujinrai ForceRiser yang hanya boleh digunakan oleh penganas Horobi & Jin? Apakah hasil dari pertarungan Aruto dengan Another Zero-One? ZI-O,

终焉之日;ZERO-ONE,起始之日。绝对不能相交起来! 2019年,世界被人工智能Humagear统治,身处不同世界的假面骑士ZERO-ONE和假面骑士ZI-O奇迹般地相遇,虽然二人都是为了拯救世界,但等待着他们的究竟是携手还是对立? 父亲的梦想、儿子的梦想、各自的想法互相碰撞时,到底会面临怎样的未来…!?

Language 语言:Japanese日语 Subtitles:字幕:Chinese中文字幕/English英文字幕 /Malay 马来文字幕
No Of Disc : 1 DVD

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