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Type : DVD
Language : Bilingual [Eng/Mandarin]

EAN No : 9555499411949
RM 169.90 NETT (WM)
RM 169.90 NETT (EM)
Product image 将夜 2 Ever Night Season 2 DVD [2020] Chinese Drama 1
Legend says that the eternal night is approaching and that a calamity will befall humanity. After Sang Sang's identity is discovered, Ning Que does everything he can to protect her. Ning Que has fought long and hard to obtain justice for his family. In his road to cultivation, he has become a protector of Tang Country. However, devious people have exposed Sang Sang's connection to the eternal night and intends to kill her. Unwilling to see his childhood friend get hurt, Ning Que accompanies her in overcoming many obstacles. At this time, the Tang Country is at risk of falling into the hands of warlords. Ning Que receives orders to lead the army in protecting the country.
这个世界有个传言,永夜降至,人间浩劫。只有找到传说中的应兆之人,才能化解危机。边城小军卒宁缺凭借坚韧意志,一路过关斩将走上了修行之路,成功为自己冤死的家人平反昭雪,更成为了唐国的守护者。然而在野心家的撺掇下,世人发现与宁缺青梅竹马的桑桑就是传说中的应兆之人,欲置她于死地。宁缺不愿看到善良的桑桑受伤害,陪伴着她突破重重阻碍,两人浪迹天涯,相依为命。此时野心家意图一举毁灭唐国,集结各国联军讨伐。宁缺临危受命,放下个人的仇怨,带领唐国军民奋起反抗,成为国家的守护者。宁缺和伙伴们集千万人的力量和誓死守卫家园的决心,重新启动了唐国惊神大阵,战胜了强大的敌人,还世间和平与安宁。宁缺则继续踏上了寻回爱人桑桑之路 。

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