Recommended Product
Type : DVD
Language : Bilingual [Eng/Mandarin]

EAN No : 9555329264226
RM 21.90 NETT (WM)
RM 21.90 NETT (EM)

主演: 张译, 于和伟, 秦海璐, 朱亚文, 刘浩存
Subtitle-Chinese/English 中/英 字幕


上世纪三十年代,四位曾在苏联接受特训的共产党特工组成任务小队,回国执行代号为“乌特拉”的秘密行动。由于叛徒的出卖,他们从跳伞降落的第一刻起, 就已置身于敌人佈下的罗网之中。同志能否脱身,任务能否完成,雪一直下,立于“悬崖之上”的行动小组面临严峻考验。


Set in the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo, the film follows four Chinese Communist Party agents who parachute back to Harbin[4] in Northeastern China in the early 1930s. Together, they embark on a secret operation code-named “Utrennya” (Russian: "утренняя") that intends to extract a former prisoner who could expose the unethical human experimentation and other crimes against humanity committed by Unit 731 of the Imperial Japanese Army in front of the international community. Upon landing, the team members split into two groups to avoid being captured and tortured to sell out their loved ones on the other group. They are also ready to sacrifice themselves by ingesting cyanide-equivalent pills contained in a match box. Soon after their separation, group 1 discover their local contacts are disguised by enemies. They manage to escape the trap, but also realize they had been sold out by a traitor, who cave after being tortured and witnessing the execution of his fellow comrades. Will group 1 be able to inform group 2 and carry out the mission? That is the question on the snowy grounds of Manchukuo.


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