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EAN No : 9555499415022
RM 69.90 NETT (WM)
RM 69.90 NETT (EM)

1988年,经济全面腾飞的台湾地区,连红灯区都歌舞升平、生意兴隆。 台北林森北路,一条以日式酒店、居酒屋闻名的巷弄,日本人喜欢称其为五木条通。这个区域内日本人的密集程度,大概相当于今天韩国人在北京望京一带的聚居密度。 条通日式酒馆的陪酒女郎,个个日语流利,贴心周到,她们成为那个繁荣经济时期大批驻台日企员工的情感慰藉。 这是林森北路日式酒馆的时代滥觞。 光,就是这样一家日式酒馆。 罗雨侬(林心如饰)和苏庆仪(杨谨华饰)两位妈妈桑,带着几个年龄背景各不相同的女郎,共同撑起了这家光酒馆。 故事也就围绕着这家酒馆和酒馆里的几位陪酒女郎渐次展开。 A story between the two primary leads, encapsulating the lives of the many women who front the 80s narrative. Su Ching-yi (Cheryl Yang) tells Luo Yu-nung (Ruby Lin), “We don’t love those who love us. We fall for those we shouldn’t fall for.” The two best friends run an exclusive Japanese nightclub by the name of Light in Taipei’s tough Red Light District. At the Club, the former becomes Ms Sue and the latter, Ms. Rose. They are referred to respectfully as mamasan (a madam, who calls all the shots). The establishment, along the lines of a Geisha House or an okiya, caters mainly to rich, middle-aged, and respectable businessman from Japan. Each woman working there has a stage name (usually Japanese); clients refer to them by those names only. The duties of the hostesses are to entertain guests by engaging in conversation and revelry (the more expensive alcohol a hostess is able to order for her table, the better her cut is). Sex is never part of the equation. If patrons get a bit too handsy or boisterous, the mamasans step in, and handle the situation with subtlety and grace.


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