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Type : DVD
Language : Bilingual [Eng/Mandarin]

EAN No : 9555652705540
RM 49.90 NETT (WM)
RM 49.90 NETT (EM)

Urano Motosu loves books and has an endless desire to read literature, no matter the subject. She almost fulfills her dream job of becoming a librarian before her life is ended in an accident. As she draws her last breath, she wishes to be able to read more books in her next life. As if fate was listening to her prayer, she wakes up reincarnated as Maine—a frail five-year-old girl living in a medieval era. What immediately comes to her mind is her passion. She tries to find something to read, only to become frustrated by the lack of books at her disposal. Without the printing press, books have to be written and copied by hand, making them very expensive; as such, only a few nobles can afford them—but this won't stop Maine. She will prove that her will to read is unbreakable, and if there are no books around, she will make them herself!

從小就是個超級書痴的女大學生麗乃,愛書愛到希望在書堆裡死去。該說是「夢想成真」嗎?好不容易應徵上圖書館工作的她,卻在地震時被掉落的書給活埋…… 當她再度醒過來,發現自己竟然轉生到了陌生的異世界,變成名叫梅茵的五歲小女孩,不但生在貧窮的士兵家,而且還體弱多病,但最讓她難以接受的是,這個世界完全找不到任何書店或圖書館,就算想看書,也是一般平民根本買不起的天價! 於是梅茵下定決心:「既然買不到書,那我就自己動手做!」憑藉著對書的滿腔熱情,目標是成為圖書管理員。為了在異世界也能過著被書環繞的美好生活,就從做書開始努力吧!

Urano Motosu ialah seorang ulat buku. Dia hampir memenuhi impiannya untuk menjadi perpustakawan sebelum hayatnya tamat dalam satu kemalangan. Bila dia menarik nafas terakhirnya, dia berhasrat untuk baca lebih banyak buku di hayat seterusnya. Seolah-olah takdir mendengar doanya, dia dihidup semula sebagai Maine, seorang budak perempuan berumur 5 tahun yang hidup di era Zaman Pertengahan, di mana bahan terbitan adalah terhad lagi mahal, hanya bangsawan yang berkemampuan memiliki buku-buku. Akan tetapi ini tidak menghalang keinginannya untuk membaca buku. Sedangkan tiada buku di sekitara, maka Maine pun sendiri menerbit buku!
