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EAN No : 9555499414506
RM 129.90 NETT (WM)
RM 129.90 NETT (EM)
剧情介绍 魏晋南北朝时期,由鲜卑慕容氏建立的燕国与塞外的狼族相峙而立。燕皇年幼,宗室与外戚之争日盛。一场养女风波,将镇北侯府推向深渊,长子慕容彦斩首,次子慕容辰流亡,养女慕容忆则归顺狼族可汗明夜枫,被燕人唾弃。假死的慕容彦在妖邪的助力下,欲图东山再起,一心夺取上古神力。慕容辰为报兄仇钻研降魔之力,与成魔的慕容忆狭路相逢。三兄妹被国仇家恨裹挟,继而牵出一个纠缠千年的大阴谋。上古时代,九婴乱世,金木水火土五官自我牺牲、合力锁妖。金正意外封印失败,成为千年游魂。于是他机关算尽,化身当世燕皇,就是为了让五官重聚,释放九婴,重现乱世。前世的执念,今生的爱恨,面对跨越千年的纠葛,五个人陷入无比矛盾的境遇。最终,慕容忆说服众人共同选择了兼爱天下、舍生取义,以身锁妖,再一次履行了两千年前许下的保卫天下的约定。 Synopsis In the ancient times, the demon Jiu Ying causes chaos to the world. The five deity lords - Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth combine their powers to seal Jiu Ying, but sacrifice themselves. The spirits of the deities scatter into the mortal realm and disappear. Thousands of years later, the You Kingdom, established by the Baili family, is constantly at war with the the Wolf Tribe. After the Emperor and Crown Prince consecutively pass away, the young Emperor Baili Haohe ascends the throne; his maternal clan takes advantage of his young age and slowly seizes power in the Imperial Court. The two sons of the decreased Crown Prince (the Prince of Pingyuan), Baili Hongxuan and Baili Hongshuo face constant suspicion and suppression despite their loyalty to the throne. Meanwhile, the new leader of the Wolf Tribe, Ming Yefeng finds out the true identity of Baili Hongyi, the daughter of the Prince of Pingyuan. This secret pushes the Baili family into a deep abyss. As Jiu Ying begins to break out of the seal, the deities awaken one by one, rediscovering their elemental powers. With the help of Baili Hongshuo and Baili Hongyi, the five deities gather once again. Will they fulfill their thousand year old promise - to protect the world and ensure its peace?