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Type : DVD
Language : Mandarin

EAN No : 9555209021758
RM 23.90 nett (WM)
RM 23.90 Nett (EM)
在马来西亚东海岸的米昔拉村,一直有个渊源流长的传统习俗--就是每一甲子(六十年),在酬神祭奠的大日子裡,必定会以'舞虎'来酬谢天后娘娘。但是上一次在祭典上表演"舞虎"的连八记(萧斐弘 饰),现在已是风烛残年的老人,而且村子裡已经没有年轻人可以接棒表演"舞虎"了。八记的孙女阿连(曾洁钰饰)唯有刊登徵聘广告,以万元月薪招聘"舞虎"新丁。衝动好胜的银行保安阿炳(林德荣饰),忠实憨厚的炒粿条小范阿发(杨佳贤饰)和嘴硬心软的造型摄影师Rain(陈志康饰),个自都在生活中遇到了瓶颈,于是马上被"月入过万"的徵聘广告给吸引了。另一边厢,满脑子武打功夫梦的大学生Bobby(邱文博饰)也来到了米昔拉村,加上急功近利的村长儿子Alan(颜江翰饰),五个性格各异的年轻人,就这样因"舞虎"而聚头。
“Woohoo”(tiger dance) is a tradition practice in a small village – Beserah, Kuantan during a prayer ceremony every 60 years. As the only old-aged heir of “Woohoo” can no longer perform, his filial granddaughter put up a misleading advertisement which then attracted five youngsters from different background – Ah Beng, a bad-tempered bank security, Ah Huat, an indecisive Char Kuey Teow hawkers, Rain, a sissy but soft-hearted designer, Bobby, a university student who has verbal diarrhea, and Alan, a show-off – to be trained as “Woohoo” performers.

After undergoing rigorous training and mishaps one after another, they finally formed a strong “Woohoo“ team. However, just a few days before the much-awaited ceremony day, the only ‘tiger head’ is accidentally destroyed by the mischievous kids in the village…