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Type : DVD

EAN No : 9555329267883
RM 25.90 (WM)
RM 25.90 (EM)
Mahou Shoujo Magical Destroyers 魔法少女毁灭者
JAP (E / C)

2008年——因一股神秘的力量出现, 日本的动画、游戏、漫画、音乐、铁道、cos等御宅文化被消灭。 就这样,在维持秩序的「SSC」维护下,御宅文化几乎消失殆尽。 为了夺回御宅文化,比任何人还深爱秋叶原以及御宅文化的「御宅英雄」, 以及崇拜他的3名魔法少女「安那其」、「Blue」、「Pink」举起反旗。 舞台为2011年的日本,秋叶原革命军与SSC首领「SHOBON」展开激战。
In 2008, the Japanese government began hunting people who identify as otaku in an effort to protect the country's culture. In just one week, the enforcement agency known as the SSC captured almost every otaku by force and confiscated their memorabilia. One passionate man calling himself Otaku Hero refuses to allow this agency to do as they please: he raises a resistance army made up of other displaced geeks who band together to help defend their culture. Three years later, the fires of rebellion wane as all hope seems lost for otakus. Spurred on by his ally—the magical girl Anarchy—Otaku Hero commands the resistance in an effort to reunite Anarchy with the other two other magical girls: Blue and Pink. By combining the power of this trio, the resistance may be able to defeat the SSC and save otaku culture for everyone.
