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SHOCK WAVE 拆弹专家真人剧场版1+2 (DVD)
Type : DVD
Language : Bilingual [Eng/Mandarin]

EAN No : 9555329262802
RM 23.90 NETT (WM)
RM 23.90 NETT (EM)
章在山 ( 刘德华饰 ) 是洪继鹏 ( 姜武饰 ) 犯罪集团内善于制作炸弹的卧底警察,一次包括在山、继鹏和其胞弟洪继标 ( 王紫逸饰 ) 在内的六名成员在夜间乘坐两辆车持枪抢劫香港香岛银行金库,打死多名银行保安并抢走大量现金.在受到警察追击逃跑的路上,匪徒利用预先设置在逃跑路上的三辆的士汽车炸弹对警察造成较大的伤亡.由于在山的阻挠,同搭一辆车的继标和另一名匪徒被警方抓获,而在另一辆车的继鹏等三位匪徒成功逃脱,自此继鹏对出卖他的在山一直怀恨在心.

Bomb disposal officer Cheung Choi-san (Andy Lau) of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Bureau (EOD) have been working undercover in a gang of thieves led by Hung Kai-pang (Jiang Wu), who specializes in bombs. Cheung coordinates with his handler, Superintendent Chow (Felix Wong), and senior inspector Kong Yiu-wai (Philip Keung) of the Regional Crime Unit, and manages to arrest a number of Hung's underling, including his younger brother, Hung Kai-piu, after performing a cash vault robbery, and also successfully disposes of a bomb stopping it from detonating. However, Hung managed to escape arrest and vows for revenge. Six months later, Cheung resumes his position in EOD and is quickly promoted as superintendent of the department and meets a recently divorced primary school teacher, Carmen (Song Jia), and begins to date her.

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