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![]() SPY×FAMILY間諜家家酒 PART 1 VOL.1-12 END (2DVD) EAN No : 9555652706554 RM 39.90 NETT (WM) RM 39.90 NETT (EM) Description: SPY×FAMILY間諜家家酒 PART 1 VOL.1-12 END (DVD) JAP / ENG (E / C) In order to maintain the state of peace between the rival nations of Westalis and Ostania[a], a Westalis agent codenamed "Twilight" is tasked with spying on Donovan Desmond, leader of the National Unity Party within Ostania. However, due to Desmond being notoriously reclusive, the only way Twilight can get close to him is to enroll a child in the same private school as Desmond's sons and pose as a fellow parent. To accomplish this and present the image of a happy family, he creates the alias of Loid Forger, adopts a young orphan girl named Anya, and marries a woman named Yor Briar. However, unbeknownst to him Anya can read minds and Yor is in fact a professional assassin. Neither Loid nor Yor are aware of each other's true identities, or that Anya knows their true professions. The family later takes in a dog with precognitive abilities whom they call "Bond". Despite these unknown factors and Twilight’s occasional lapse of common sense due to years of being a spy, he must learn to play the role of the perfect father and husband in order to carry out his mission. 西國一流間諜「黃昏」奉命調查東國政治家唐納文•戴斯蒙德之政治陰謀。然而,戴斯蒙德深居簡出,唯一公開露面的場合只有他兒子所就讀的東國名校——伊甸學園舉辦的懇親會,故只有讓「自己的小孩」進入伊甸學園就讀,並以家長的身份參加懇親會,才有机会与其接触。為顺利執行任務,黃昏以「洛伊德•佛傑」的身份掩人耳目,并先后找到「女兒」安妮亞和「妻子」約兒組建一個臨時家庭,殊不知安妮亞其實是有讀心能力的超能力者「實驗體007」;而看似溫柔善良的妻子,另一身份是職業殺手「睡美人」。三人互相隱瞞真實身份,就此过起虛假的家庭生活。 < BACK |