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![]() ONE PIECE海贼王 BOX 35 V1052-1075 (DVD) Type : DVD EAN No : 9555652706998 RM 49.90 (WM) RM 49.90 (EM) Description: ONE PIECE 海贼王 BOX 35 VOL.1052-1075 JAP (E / C / M) 1052 The Situation Has Grown Tense! The End of Onigashima! 風雲告急 鬼島的末路 1053 Sanji's Mutation? The Two Arms in Crisis! 香吉士的異狀 左右手閃黃燈 1054 Death to Your Partner! Killer's Deadly Gamble! 為搭檔獻上死亡 奇拉拚死的豪賭 1055 A Shadowy Figure Pulls the Strings! Onigashima in Flames 幕後黑手的暗中行動 鬼島陷入火海 1056 A Countercharge! Law and Kid's Return-Attack Combination 逆襲 羅與基德的反擊同盟 1057 For Luffy ? Sanji and Zoro's Oath 為了魯夫 香吉士與索隆的誓言 1058 The Onslaught of Kazenbo - Orochi's Evil Clutches Close in 火前僧來襲 大蛇逼近的魔掌 1059 Zoro Faces Adversity - A Monster! King the Wildfire 逆境中的索隆 怪物,火禍KING 1060 The Secret of Enma! The Cursed Sword Entrusted to Zoro 閻魔的祕密 託付給索隆的妖刀 1061 The Strike of an Ifrit! Sanji vs. Queen 魔神的一擊 香吉士 VS QUEEN 1062 The Three-Sword Style of the Supreme King! Zoro vs. King 霸王三刀流 索隆 VS KING 1063 Luffy is on the Move! A Turning Point to a New Era! 魯夫躍動 新時代的分歧點 1064 Drunken Dragon Bagua! The Lawless Dragon Closing in on Luffy 酒龍八卦 朝魯夫逼近的法外狂龍 1065 The Destruction of the Alliance?! Fire up, the Will of the New Generation! 同盟潰散 燃燒吧 新世代的意志 1066 Here Comes Main Act! Powerful Techniques of Shockwave and Magnetism 壓軸登場 波動與磁力的大絕技 1067 To the New Era! Settled! The Determination of the Brats 邁向新時代 決戰 小鬼們的覺悟 1068 Moon Princess Echoes! The Final Phase of the Land of Wano! 月姬響澈 和之國的最終局面 1069 There is Only One Winner - Luffy vs. Kaido 勝者只有一位 魯夫VS海道 1070 Luffy is Defeated?! The Determination of Those Left Behind 魯夫敗北 殘留者的覺悟 1071 Luffy's Peak - Attained! Gear Five 魯夫的最高境界 到達 五檔 1072 The Ridiculous Power! Gear Five in Full Play 匪夷所思的能力 躍動的五檔 1073 Nowhere to Run! Hell on Onigashima! 无处可逃!地狱绘图的鬼岛! 1074 Believe in Momo - Luffy's Final Big Move 相信桃子,路飞的最后一击! 1075 Twenty Years of Prayer! Reclaim Wano Country 20年的祈祷,夺回和之国! < BACK |