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![]() Dark Gathering 黑暗集会 Vol. 1-25 End (3 DVD) Type : DVD EAN No : 9555652707094 RM 59.90 (WM) RM 59.90 (EM) Description: 擁有靈媒體質的幻燈河螢多朗, 自從過去受到靈障,而將青梅竹馬捲入其中後便足不出戶。 就在他為了回歸社會而開始當家教時, 遇見了一位擁有神秘雙眼的少女.寶月夜宵。 夜宵的母親被惡靈帶走, 她為了尋找線索而經常跑去靈異場所。 由於靈體紛紛迴避擁有強大靈媒體質的夜宵, 因此她需要螢多朗所擁有的能夠吸引靈體的體質。 另一方面,螢多朗為了破解自己和青梅竹馬身上的詛咒, 決定要獲得能對付靈媒體質的能力,兩人成了合作關係。 最瘋狂的新感覺靈異怪談,就此開幕! After a devastating encounter with a restless spirit, ghost-fearing psychic Keitaro Gentoga became a shut-in to avoid additional spectral catastrophes. But no man is a haunted island, and Keitaro eventually reintegrates with society by getting a part-time job as a tutor to the child prodigy Yayoi Houzuki. Yayoi isn’t just an academic genius, though. She’s a talented psychic medium hell-bent on finding the malevolent spirit behind her mother’s disappearance, and she’s gravely determined to drag Keitaro into her terrifying world of grotesque supernatural phenomenon. < BACK |